I am a freelancer offering bespoke services for a wide range of individuals and small businesses.

Services I offer:

  • Writing and editorial services;
  • Qualitative research services;
  • Personal training and health coaching;
  • Support services for disabled workers and entrepreneurs;
  • Project management for academic external engagement;
  • Small and micro-business support services.

Expertise and qualifications: writing, editing, research

If I am anything, I am a reader and a writer; as such, I like to say that writing is my first language. I find it easiest to express myself using written language, and have a great many years of creative, business, and academic writing experience under my belt. You can read some of my creative writing here, my academic writing here, and my general non-fiction writing here.

My preference is to write clearly and concisely, especially in the context of non-fiction, as I firmly believe that jargon and technical language obscures meaning and therefore runs counter to the objective of communication. I am also an editor and proof-reader and use these skills frequently during my disability support work. I particularly love to combine my passion for walking and for proactive health management with my writing.

My academic training means I have strong qualitative research skills, especially as they relate to archival work, oral histories and interviews, literature reviews, and various forms of ‘desk research’. My ethics and expertise mean that I am firmly committed to advancing equalities issues, especially in terms of class, ‘race’, disability, religion, and gender. I also pay mindful attention to how our (protected) characteristics intersect and affect our lives as individuals and as part of a group/s.

Expertise and qualifications: personal training

  • Level 3 Exercise Referral
  • Level 3 Personal Training
  • Level 2 Gym Instructing
  • NNAS Silver Navigator Award
  • Mountain Training Lowland Leader (working towards)

Health and fitness is one of my main passions in life and I enjoy working as a health coach and personal trainer with people to improve their overall fitness. In particular, and as a nigh-on-fifty year old woman, my primary concern is with healthy aging. Getting older does not have to be concomitant with ill-health, and I am here to prove that to you and help you reverse lifestyle related ill-health, where possible. For the last three years, I have supported my client’s mental and physical health goals by designing bespoke exercise and healthy eating plans. The Exercise Referral (sometimes called GP Referral) qualification means that I am qualified to work with people with a range of chronic diseases.

Expertise: disability support

I have seven years’ experience of sighted support work for visually impaired professionals. Most of my clients have been legally blind, and lost their sight later in life. The support I provide very much depends on the person, as no two people adjust to sight loss in the same way. In general though, sighted support work involves a lot of (copy) editing, proof-reading, summarising of complex information, and technical and administrative support. I have an unseen disability myself, and work from a social model of disability.

Expertise: project management

I draw on a decade working in the music industry, my doctoral research, and my project management history to assist academics with their external engagement. I am very much interested in helping academics communicate their research to lay audiences in order to aid research dissemination and impact. I apply the promotion and marketing skills I developed when working in the music industry to ensure the events reach a wide-range of suitable audiences. I particularly enjoy creating and managing events which mix academic and professional expertise, such as: Third Sector Innovation Network; Geo+Data London, Applied History Network, and a Radical History conference.

Expertise: small and micro business support

I am an incredibly organised person and, over the course of my professional life, have designed and implemented bespoke administration systems for a wide range of small and micro businesses. I draw on my experience as an office manager, PA, and bookkeeper to design uncomplicated, but highly effective, administration systems which capture the range of data points that an organisation requires. Finally, I offer sole-charge bookkeeping services (including VAT and payroll), for organisations who use Xero or QuickBooks.

Please contact me for more information by emailing me at 10k[at]tankgreen.com (replace [at] for @) or by using my contact form.