On more Pfizer lies

Tank Green/ October 15, 2022/ COVID-19

[aiovg_video mp4=”https://tankgreen.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/european-parliament-covid-hearing-pfizer.mp4″]

I’m going to leave that there for every single person who was injured by and/or died as a consequence of taking the vaccine. I hope it strengthens your (family’s) legal case. I’m going to leave that there for every single person who was forced into getting vaccinated under pain of losing their job and/or friends and family. I hope you can sue your employer for not doing due diligence.

I’m going to leave that there as a fuck you to every single person who excommunicated me for choosing not to be vaccinated. I’m going to leave that there for the people I excommunicated for their utter denial of a person’s right to bodily integrity. I’m going to leave that there for the governments around the world who imposed harsh and discriminatory measures against unvaccinated people, and for all those citizens who supported it. I’m going to leave that there for all the wildly delusional people who said that official government data demonstrating vaccinations don’t stop you catching nor transmitting the virus was ‘misinformation’. I’m going to leave that there because if the trials weren’t designed to test the vaccines for transmission efficacy, nor to see if they protected against severe disease, what precisely were they designed for?

Finally, I’m leaving that there for all the illiterate fucks who selectively chose to forget that big pharma was popularly exposed as bad pharma ten years ago.

[The video above was taken from Robert Roos MEP‘s twitter feed. In her reply, Ms Small says immunisation not transmission. It is clear she misspoke and meant to say transmission from the full length recording of the hearing. Roos’ question is at 15:22:51, her response to it at 15:31:48.]

[See also: Paul D. Thacker, ‘BBC Should Step Aside and Allow the Biopharmaceutical Industry to Do its Own Public Relations’.