Alongside my research, I put on a successful conference entitled ‘what is radical history?‘ with two colleagues in March 2015. History Workshop Online ran a series of articles about the conference, the first of which can be found here. (Links to the other articles appear at the bottom of that one.) Podcasts of the conference can be found here. As a result of the conversations started at the ‘what is radical history?‘ conference, we also started the Applied History Network which currently puts on free discussion events every two months in central London. The first event in October 2015, ‘British history and anti-racist campaigning‘, was led by myself and saw some excellent talks by some important speakers. The podcast of the event is available here. I was also a participant in the Taking the Past into Future unconference at St Andrews in August 2015. You can read my contribution on the Applied History Network here. I was also a participant in the Migration and Ministry Conference at the University of Roehampton in September 2016. I was subsequently asked to write a short piece for their website which you can read here.